During this part of the trip, we had a rental car for a few days. This time we stopped by another bank to cash in some more money. While in line, Kuso looks over and sees yet another classmate.
Then outside, he looks over and sees another classmate and "ex-girlfriend." 
After song practice, Kuso's mom decided to join in the volleyball. This lady amazes me with how active and strong she is. She is in her 60's and she does not sit still the entire day. She works at the house, in the yard, at the plantation, does all her church involvements, cooks, cleans, takes care of dad, takes care of the kids, laundry, and the list goes on. I guess I can see what we have to look forward to with Kuso's energy level.

Below: Keli and Imi. Imi is Kuso's cousin/close friend. My last two trips down there we have spent a lot of time with him, so it was a friendly face for me to be reunited with. These two were just married a couple weeks before we got there. They are hoping to be able to move to Utah in a few years.
In the village next to Kuso's, there is a swimming pool. It is fresh water that has been somewhat blocked off from the ocean. The ocean water still merges with this water, but the water is more fresh. Not so salty and tight on your skin when you get out. We weren't there very long because that village had started their sa'a (?) - this is when everyone is supposed to go home to have family prayer and quiet time with their families. When the bell rings, you head for home. When the bell rings a while later, you can go back out. During that time, you need to be in the house and quiet. No walking or messing around. We thought we would be okay since we weren't splashing around and making noise, but the man knew we were there so he came and asked us to leave.

Below: Taken from the side of the swimming pool toward the ocean. I love how calm and peaceful sunsets can be.

Grandma with her two youngest granddaughters.
1 comment:
I have absolutely loved reading these post about Samoa. It is just beautiful! What a wonderful experience you must have had. It definatley goes to show that we are very spoiled here in the us.
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