The third night we were there (02/26/11), Leila decided to venture out a little. This picture below is the step from the "open" part of the house where the beds, couches, TV, and table are, to the back part of the house. Before this night, she stopped right there and waited for someone to take her. It was a big step and she didn't like going down it. Well, this night she decided to go down it. Again, it was a BIG step, and she fell...right on her head. We were all sitting in the back of the house, heard the thud (yes, her head on concrete) and I went running. She screamed and screamed for maybe 2 minutes. Then she calmed down. It wasn't until a while later that I noticed her head. Check out the pictures....
These pictures were taken AFTER she had continued playing and being silly, so I wasn't too concerned about a concusion or anything. There have been several other times that Leila has taken a pretty bad fall and we were SURE that she is going to have a bump or bruise, but it never shows up. So for this bump to be this big, she hit HARD.
This next picture was taken just for Leslie. When Kuso realized that there was a big bump on her head, he came back with yes, Vicks Vapor rub. For some reason, these Samoan men think that rubbing that on a bump will make it go away. Well, the bump was still there in the morning, but it definitely didn't hurt it any.
Leila thought the mosquitoe nets were fun.

Just FYI...the bump was STILL there when we got back to Utah a week and a half later. That was a HARD fall. She is so dang tough.
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