The 4th of July Shawn, Michelle, and Kiley were still in town, so we went to the zoo. Utah's Hogle Zoo has "Zoorassic Park" set up for the summer. They have all of these cool dinosaurs that move and roar. Some spit water! Most of them have baby one's nearby too. The cool part about them, is they were just scattered throughout the zoo, but they didn't look like they were out of place. Leila wasn't too fond of them, in fact, she hated them. Which is kind of surprising given how brave she is about other things. Not this.
Most of the dino's also had plaque's by them telling you the name of the dinosaur and what scale this model is made to. I didn't look at most of them, but they were about 1/2 or 2/3 to real scale.

Above and Below: My disgusting brothers making the most of their photo op with this giant Elephant statue.
Some of the Wild Life. Our friend Dorian works at the zoo (with the reptiles. YUCK!) but he was going to give us the chance to take the girls back and see some lizards and snakes (we politely declined...again, YUCK!...but he also had access to the ENORMOUS tortoises that are like 100 years old! But he wasn't available to take us for almost 2 more hours. By this time, we had already been there for close to 2 hours and keeping these small girls there that much longer was going to be hard...and chances are, Leila would have been scared anyway!

These statues were about the only things she wasn't scared of...AFTER she watched them for a minute to make sure they weren't moving! (funny side note - when she hugs things, often times she will say "hug" while she is hugging it. Cute.)

See what I mean? She was even scared of the Lion fountain!

Leila loves pockets. and I love watching her put her hands in her pockets.
Family Photos

My "white trash" family. Troy REALLY wanted to get into the garbage can, and if they came and changed out the bag, he would have. Luckily for us, the bag was dirty and he was able to restrain himself.
After the zoo, we stopped by Pizza Factory for lunch. (It's not as good as the original one in Cedar City, but it's still pretty tasty.) Kuso didn't join us for our morning activities. He had to go to Provo to get some koko from his cousin that was sent with a missionary who recently came to the MTC. (plus he thinks the zoo is boring.)
We took the girls home for naps, then later we all went to Murray Park for the fireworks. Kuso's family (uncle and some cousins families) go every year and we have just latched on to their traditions. Leila wasn't too sure about the fireworks, but after daddy held her tight in his arms, she relaxed and enjoyed them. (no pictures...I have more fun playing around than trying to capture it all through pictures. I need to get better about that!)
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