I went to the doctor again on August 25th. I'm still about 75% effaced and dilated to a 1. (Slight improvement since last week.) Since my body has a history of not always working properly, I asked the doctor what happens if my body goes into relapse mode and doesn't know what to do. We scheduled an induction date of September 17th just in case I need it. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that I don't need that date!
Leila has had the hiccups every day for the past 4 days. My friend said that is a good sign because it helps develop their lungs to be stronger. Who knows if that's totally true, but it's such a funny feeling. I guess she's taking after her mother...those of you who spend any amount of time with me know that I get the hiccups on average of about 4+ times a week. They usually don't last long, but they are obnoxious!
Kuso and my good friend Leslie have both had dreams the past two nights that Leila was born, and they got to see her. Without telling Leslie what Kuso said Leila looked like, she told me. They both had the same description....LOTS of dark hair and CHUBBY cheeks! Let's hope that is the truth! How cute would that be?....
Stay tuned for a new picture and more updates. Hopefully not too many more though.
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