Thursday, August 27, 2009
Funny Comments
One of my old probationer's saw me at the court house. I have had two of his younger brothers and a cousin, so the rest of the family has seen me and knows I'm expecting. I walked toward him and his first comment was "WHAT? When did this happen?'' My answer, "Umm, about 9 months ago I guess."
As I was walking out of the court house, one of the bailiff's said, "You should go swimming." I turned to look at him and he went on to explain that that is what his wife did with all their kids. "Not just because you are hot (meaning weather, not body), but because it just feels good." The funny thing about this comment is that I was in a search all spring long for a swimming suit that would work for the summer. My apartment complex has a pool that is directly across from our building. I haven't been in it once. I've only used the swimming suit one time all summer long. By the time I'm home, I don't want to change and go out again, so I don't. It would probably feel great though!
The infamous Judge Valdez asked how much longer I had and I told him about 2 weeks. He comments about how it's good that I'll deliver soon because I've "got a pretty good waddle going on." Then he proceeds to roll up his sleeves and ask if he should boil some water to sterilize the area and he can deliver the baby. I said, "you are on the news enough, I don't think we need another headline that says 'Judge induces labor to make Probation Officer happy.' " He agreed, laughed, and walked in his chambers.
If you don't know who I'm talking about, this Judge is well known for his mood swings and many people, (defendants, attorneys, case workers, parents, etc.) fear his drastic mood swings. When he's on a good day, he is great. Probably one of the best judges the juvenile system could ask for, but when he is in "one of his moods" everyone steers clear. So for him to make these comments was fairly uncharacteristic of his normal demeanor, therefore, being quite funny to myself and the clerks that were sitting there!
Baby Leila's Room
Below is the view from the door, the closet is to the left.
All of the palm tree decorations and monkeys I already had. They just happened to go GREAT with Leila's room, so they are hers now.
Leila Update
Leila has had the hiccups every day for the past 4 days. My friend said that is a good sign because it helps develop their lungs to be stronger. Who knows if that's totally true, but it's such a funny feeling. I guess she's taking after her mother...those of you who spend any amount of time with me know that I get the hiccups on average of about 4+ times a week. They usually don't last long, but they are obnoxious!
Kuso and my good friend Leslie have both had dreams the past two nights that Leila was born, and they got to see her. Without telling Leslie what Kuso said Leila looked like, she told me. They both had the same description....LOTS of dark hair and CHUBBY cheeks! Let's hope that is the truth! How cute would that be?....
Stay tuned for a new picture and more updates. Hopefully not too many more though.
Silly Swollen Feet/Ankles
No, it's not bruised...just looks that way!
I challenge any of you who can beat this pictures (without having a broken foot) to try!
I laugh every time I see these.
It's so comical to have Fred Flintstone feet (more than I usually do according to my brothers...)
And since I can read minds, No, they don't hurt. Well, sometimes when I get up in the night and haven't been on them for a while, but overall, they don't hurt. They just look silly.
Baby Showers...
She thought it looked better on the table than with her posing with it, so here is the second look.
My last shower was on Thursday August 20th thrown by my co-workers. We all met at Sizzler for lunch.
After each shower, I brought stuff home and just put it on the floor in Leila's room. Over the week, it stacked up. These are the piles and laundry baskets full of all the awesome stuff we got! The bottom picture is the stack of diapers that we got from showers. Since these pictures were taken, we have received several more gifts and packages of diapers.
Needless to say, I don't think our daughter will go without much in her life. Too many people that love her and are excited for her to get here are willing to provide anything and everything she would ever want!
Thanks to everyone who threw the showers, attended the showers, provided for the showers, and for the overall love and support that we feel as we begin our family.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Quick Update
I went to the doctor again this past Tuesday. I am still about 75% effaced and not dilated at this point. She is definitely head down. I felt a little relieved since there is still some work to be done at work and at home before little Leila decides to make her world debut. However, once we get past August 29th, I'm okay with her showing up whenever she is ready. (That is Kuso's brother's wedding that I would like to go to.)
I've had two baby showers, and one more today. I'll get pics of all the stuff and post those and details about each shower later. Just wanted to keep any of you anxious people updated on what's going on in our Leila world.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tick Tock...tick tock...
Since time flies by so quickly I guess I better get down to business at work and get everything in order. I was 3 weeks early, so if that's the case...I better get going!
As with every Leila update, we are more and more anxious to meet her, but also more and more anxious about being responsible for her. And now that the stages of labor have begun, I'm more and more anxious about the actual delivery! The only thing that calms me is the knowledge that women have been doing this for centuries. If they can do it, so can I!
Monday, August 3, 2009
...these are a few of my favorite things...
*ICE - with some Coke on it....mmmm
*Watching Leila "dance" in my stomach
*Laughing with Aukuso
*Kuso's eyes and smile when he's happy
*Juicy popcicles
*Warm baths
*Waking up and seeing skinny ankles (although that only lasts for about 20 minutes. By the time I'm out of the shower, I have kankles again!)
*Imagining what Leila will look like. and what her personality is going to be like.
*Pedicures (even though I still am not a fan of other's besides hubby touching my feet.)
*The smell of rain and laundry soap
*Realizing I've slept for 5 hours without being interrupted for bathroom breaks or aching hips
*Seeing the days pass by that gets me closer to meeting my daughter (and a few months off of work!)
*Sitting outside on a warm summer evening
*Samoan love songs (English are good too, but that language is so sexy :) )
*Polynesian choirs - amazing. If you have never heard one, seek one out. Amazing.
*Hearing Kuso sing
*Knowing that I'm loved
I guess this is a good start. I may add more later.