This was our last Sunday at church.
Above: In the background is the wall to the chapel. We are standing in the Relief Society/Sunday School room. It is outdoors with just a roof and pillars. The baptismal font is just to the side, also outdoors. We were taking a picture of Kuso with the lady in purple (Apelu's mom - one of Kuso's good friends here) and everyone else jumped in the picture. But since she is in the picture, I'll tell you about the older lady. She is like a mid-wife or something. One day when we were at the church playing volleyball, I was walking around with Leila and she was in one of the classrooms with a girl laying on the floor, with her shirt pulled up and pants pulled low so she could feel her stomach. Later, there was a different girl in there, so I'm just putting that together thinking that she must be doing a little prenatal care for these soon-to-be mothers. Plus, she has the sweetest looking face. And she is the grandma to Keli (the girl who married Imi.)

Below: Sister Finau. Her daughter is serving in the Provo, Utah mission, so we brought a package back to her. She also gave me some shell earrings.
Above: Lisa, Leila, Keli

Below: Kuso, Leila, Keli, Imi
Kuso and the guys. The guy on the far right had his mission call to San Jose, California and was leaving in early April.

Right behind them is the baptismal font. There is a gate around it to help keep the kids out of it, but the gate is not usually locked and the volleyball sometimes ends up inside, so access needs to be available to get it out.
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