Saturday April 16th Leila went to her very first birthday party (that is not family or because the adults are friends...) Brooklyn is Leila's church friend. She turned 2! The party was at Brook's house. They had a Minnie Mouse theme. We had BBQ lunch, the kids played, Brook opened presents, we ate cake and ice cream, then we all went home to give the munchkins naps!
Above: Leila with her mouse ears...and candy necklace.

Below: Check out her hair! She held still long enough for me to put 6 elastics in!!! Her hair looked SO cute. It was lots cuter when it was still wet before it got out of control looking, but I was impressed with how cute it was for the party! 
Above: Leila and Brooklyn in the wagon. One of the other girls and her parents had walked to the party and brought this wagon. The rest of the kids thought it was a great play toy. Brooklyn happens to have the SAME wagon, so they got theirs out, and some of the dads ran around the yard with the girls in the wagon. The girls were LOVING it. The dads tired out WAY faster than any of the kids tired of being bounced around the yard. Leila spent LOTS of time playing in and out of the wagon. Even during the present opening, Leila was playing by herself in the wagon. Silly girl. Below: Brook wasn't too interested in opening her presents. She kept walking between the chair her mom had set up, and these lounge chairs to sit to open her presents. 
Above: It cracks me up that at these young ages, the kids love to be around each other, but don't really know how to play WITH each other. These two both played with balls when we first got there, but they didn't play together. At any given time, all the kids were at different places around the yard doing their own thing, but they all had fun!

Leila, Brooklyn, and Hadlee eating lunch.
These 3 girls are all in nursery at church together. I also serve in the Young Women's presidency with both of their mothers. Brooklyn and Hadlee are both adopted. Leila looks like she is adopted until her dad comes around! These three love to see each other at church. Hadlee is the oldest and turned 2 in February, then Brook in April, then Leila will be 2 in September. They will probably be in different school classes, but will always be in the same church class. I'm glad that Leila has friends her same age to grow up with.
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