This Memorial Weekend (as most in the past) we went to Southern Utah. Saturday morning we went to Red Cliffs and met up with most of my cousins and aunts. While there, we saw SNAKES! Y.U.C.K.!!!

Cousins - Salt & Pepper
We told them to hug...I love their "what now" faces below.
Shawn started climbing this tree. Then Kiley wanted to "climb" the tree. Then Kuso decided he needed to climb the tree.
So he did.

This rock is where I took most of these next group of pictures.

(Notice Leila's Pebble's hair style. I had combed it so cute that morning. Then we sprayed sun screen on...apparently the sun screen and the elastics did not agree. The elastics snapped. All 6 of them. So I re-did her hair about 4 more times, before I just took the extra "real" elastic from my hair and used it to keep her hair off her face.)
This is where people were jumping into the water. So of course, Kuso had to join in.
Leila LOVES water.
Like Daddy like Daughter.

Tasi, Lua, Tolu, OSO! (1, 2, 3, JUMP!)
Over and Over and Over and Over - luckily I had thought to bring a change of clothes.
Someone saw a frog. We watched it jump around. Then cousin-in-law Sarah picked it up and we realized it was TWO frogs. Then Leila in her innocence says "FROG!" BUT...her R sounds like wu and the G sounds like CK...You figure it out. Kinda funny, kinda right, kinda embarrassing. :)
On the hike back we noticed this small cave so we took some family photos....Grandpa had high tailed it back to the cars with Leila...
Cousin Brandi's daughter Jordyn...she is a nearly perfect child. So good with the little girls and SO beautiful. Leila spent LOTS of time PLAYING on the weekend. Now that we are back home, she gets whiny and bored because there isn't STUFF to play with (as if she doesn't have a mountain of her own STUFF.)
Sunday afternoon we took the girls over to Discovery Park. This park was designed by kids. When I was in college, we were able to help raise money to build one of the towers in the park.
Leila learned at a different park to go down slides on her stomach. It prevents her from hitting her head and it makes the landing easier.
You can see her peaking through the hole in the slide.
Cousin Jace. Such a stud.
This bridge would wobble when you walked on it. I was pretty surprised Leila didn't freak out at first when she felt it move...she just kept walking.
Uncle Troy pushing Leila in the baby swing...
Then we had to switch to the big girl swing. Troy is so good with his nieces.

Kiley looking through the hole.
Grandma and Leila looking through the hole.
Kiley, Grandma, and Leila. NOT a good picture of any of them. This is what you get when you try to take pictures in rain and cold with 2 young girls!
Leila and Auntie Michelle
Hope this is the ONLY Sheriff vehicle she is ever in!
Not Pictured: We took the kids to the Cedar Aquatics Center to swim Saturday afternoon. We had been there for about 20 minutes and someone pooped in the pool! So we all had to get out while they cleaned it and processed chemicals. Leila was getting hungry and because we couldn't entertain her with swimming, we decided to leave and get her some food. Waste of money, but it was a pretty cool place. Maybe we can take her again on another trip.
Other than that, we just spent time hanging out. Eating and laughing. I always enjoy the opportunity to spend time with cousins. The only thing I regret is not taking a picture of all the great grand kids together. This was the first time they were ALL there together.

Sunday afternoon we took the girls over to Discovery Park. This park was designed by kids. When I was in college, we were able to help raise money to build one of the towers in the park.

This bridge would wobble when you walked on it. I was pretty surprised Leila didn't freak out at first when she felt it move...she just kept walking.

Then we had to switch to the big girl swing. Troy is so good with his nieces.

Not Pictured: We took the kids to the Cedar Aquatics Center to swim Saturday afternoon. We had been there for about 20 minutes and someone pooped in the pool! So we all had to get out while they cleaned it and processed chemicals. Leila was getting hungry and because we couldn't entertain her with swimming, we decided to leave and get her some food. Waste of money, but it was a pretty cool place. Maybe we can take her again on another trip.
Other than that, we just spent time hanging out. Eating and laughing. I always enjoy the opportunity to spend time with cousins. The only thing I regret is not taking a picture of all the great grand kids together. This was the first time they were ALL there together.
I'm so thankful for the men and women who have dedicated their time and sacrificed their lives for the freedoms we enjoy in these United States. Although our country is not perfect, I can't think of anything I would want to give up in order to live somewhere else.
God Bless America!
God Bless America!
It looks like you had so much fun, and it looked so WARM!!! We were freezing on Memorial Day weekend! Your pictures are so cute! I can't believe that your husband jumped off of that big rock into the it as high as it looks??? And, even though they were cold, I think the picture of your mom, Leila, and Kylee is really cute:)
Saturday was warm...the rest of the weekend was freezing. That rock is high...but he jumps off things MUCH higher than that! and the pool was only about 10 feet deep. He is crazy sometimes. My 2 cousins also jumped. no thanks.
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