Saturday December 18, 2010 we took Leila to Valley Fair Mall to meet Santa. We have a neighbor that has a white beard that she likes, so we were HOPING that she would like Santa and we could take a cute picture of her and Santa. Well, us being the geniuses that we are, decided to go to the mall the Saturday before Christmas. Duh. The line to see Santa was at least 45 minutes long. Not waiting with a 15 month old who can't even tell Santa what she wants for THAT long. Our shopping was already done and had been done, so we just wandered around the mall since we were there.
This is what we found....

Merry-Go-Round - she rode it 3-4 times and we only paid about $.50 one time out of all those times. Other people kept paying and if I offered, they just didn't care. Their kid was going to ride anyway...we weren't in any hurry to go we let her ride. and ride. and ride.
Then we went to the food court to eat. In the back corner they have more toys. She found them and played and climbed and played and climbed. She particularly liked this truck one. She could sit in the front seat and then walk to the back seat. She had fun.

Nosey little girl...always having to see what's going on around her.

And again...always looking out.
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