Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You could have just asked!

Last Saturday, Kuso and I went to the mall to exchange some stuff for Leila. We headed to the food court to get some lunch. Leila freaked out and decided it was time for her to eat as well. So she did. We had a few more stops to make before we went home, so we decided to change her diaper before we left. After watching her grunt and push, it was clearly time to change her diaper.

OH EMM GEE...SICK! She had blown out of her diaper, up her back. It actually wasn't even close to some of the blow outs she has previously had, but it was all over her shirt and pants. The worst part was that it had filled a nice puddle of poop in her car seat! And of course it had to happen on one of the few times I didn't bring a change of clothes with me.

I took her to the ladies room to clean her up. Kuso kept the other package of wipes and cleaned up the car seat. Because her clothes were soiled, she got to be pushed around the mall in just her diaper. She was in heaven. She is such an exhibitionist.

Since it is winter time and probably not the best idea to take a baby around in a diaper alone, we headed back to JC Penney's to buy her some new clothes. Wouldn't it have just been easier if she would have ASKED for new clothes? It could have saved us a lot of disgusting clean up!


Jen said...

So funny! What a good little strategy she has though.

Survis Family said...


HeRoosSheRoos said...

She knows how to get what she wants. Maybe, I'll try that next time I'm at the mall with Rick. :)