Monday, May 25, 2009

24 Weeks

Here it is. The first of several sideways-showing-off-my-roundness pictures. Wish I could blame the chubby face on being such luck. It's a permanent fixture. :) This was taken on Saturday, which is the "official" 24 week mark. Kuso was out while I took a shower and got ready. When he came home, he said, "Hon...I really like that shirt." (it's not like him to comment on something so simple.) He continued with "It shows your stomach. I like that. I've been waiting to see that." How cute is he? Forget the guys that worry about their ladies getting big. HE LOVES IT!!! Which makes me LOVE IT! After he took this picture, I looked at it and said "wow...fatty bo-batty." He smiled at me and said "I know. I like it."

I also decided it was appropriate to finally post a picture because of a comment I had received earlier in the week. My work partner and I were out checking on kids at home. I used to work with a boy who lived at one particular home, and my partner now has his cousin. Their older female cousin is kind of like a guardian since the mom doesn't speak English well. So she has known me for years. Anyway, we meet with the 15 year old boy on the porch and go back to get in the car. The older cousin comes running out "Lisa! Are you pregnant?" I laughed and told her I was. She was SO excited. She said "yeah, he came inside and said I think Lisa is having a baby. I asked him why he said that and he said because she's not skinny anymore." So I took that as one of the most positive things for two reasons. 1) I guess I look more prego than fat now (even to a 15 year old boy who doesn't know me well) and 2) at some point, they thought I was skinny!


charese said...

I am so Jealous. You look great and are barely showing. I am glas things are going well. Are you ready for the hot summer? I don't know if I can make it through. :)

Sundquist Family said...

My "little" sister is having a baby! You're pregnant!

Anonymous said...

I love your little belly too! So So cute!!

charese said...

Hey Lisa-
My due date is October 12. Due to all of my blood issues I usually have to deliver two weeks early.


Chad and Nicole said...

YAY for prego bellies!! I love it! I think that you look great!

Texie said...

Yay for prego belly! I've been waiting for this picture! I think that you are definitely a stylin prego lady!