Yesterday, I went to the doctor to get blood tests done to determine if there are any birth defects. The doctor was trying to find my baby's heartbeat, but as soon as he would find it, the heartbeat would go away. So after a few tries, he got a decent count. As he was helping me sit up, he says, "Guess I need to bond more with your baby...every time I would find it, it would run away from me." He's just a funny person. Many of you know him and know exactly what I'm talking about. I guess that's a good thing (that my baby runs away) because it means it is active!
Then he tells me he wants me to schedule an ultrasound for 2-3 weeks. I said "No. You said I could find out what it is before Easter." He said, "Ok...then go next week." I'll be 18 weeks by then and they prefer that you be as close to 20 weeks as possible. Oh well. So I get to go on Wednesday April 8th to get an ultrasound. This one should determine size, due date, and hopefully gender if the baby doesn't run away from the ultrasound tech!
I also love my doctor because I went in SUPER sick. Seriously, the worst sore throat I've had in YEARS. He heard me say one word, heard the sickness in my voice, and wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic without further questioning. Saved me a trip to instacare!
There is nothing better than finding a good doctor that you feel comfortable with, feel comforted by, and know that they do a good job. Let's just hope he doesn't retire before I'm done having kids!!!
Gotta love Dr Brown. He is the best. When I was pregnant I got really sick too! He gave me an antibiotic and this cough syrup with codine in it. Best sleep I ever had!
I can't wait to find out what you're having!!! We should have another girls night!
Aren't we glad we found Dr Brown, it is fun to have a doc with a great bedside manner!
Yay! I'm so glad you found us! Congratulations... I had no idea that you were expecting... and I even saw your brother last night with his girlfriend, April! Fun stuff. Hope you're doing well! Let us know what you're having!
so i'm reading this late and today is the big day you find out....i'll be checking back later to get the update (and to find out if the ring dangling over the wrist actually works!). glad you love your does make things REALLY nice!
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