Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bathing Beauty

Leila LOVES the bath...and now I finally have pics to prove it! She wiggles herself off the bath holder thing to where she is almost laying flat in the water. She splashes and kicks and giggles. Tonight she rolled to the side and got her face in the water. It startled her, but didn't slow her down any. I can't wait until she's big enough to play with toys in the bathtub.

Photo Shoot at the Baby Sitter's House

These pictures were taken while she was at La's house. She looks like a pretty content little can't see it very good, but last night we were playing beauty shop and put a pony tail on the top of Leila's head. It stayed there for today!
This is the newest way to satisfy Leila for 20+ minutes at a time. My parents had this walker from when Kiley was little and we took it camping so she didn't have to play down in the dirt. Leila LOVES it. She gets to sit up, but not be held. We put it in front of my mom's curio cabinet that has a mirror on the back. She sat and stared at herself for a LONG time. She was quiet and happy though. I won't complain!

Family Pics

We went to the State Capital Building to take family pictures the day after Christmas. Kuso and I decided to try having Leila wear a head band. This is the result. She just looks so different when we do something new with her hair. I'll post more pics when we get them back.

First Christmas

This is the STACK of presents a 3 month old got for Christmas. Plus, she had 4 more presents at our house! Starting in 1995, my family started opening presents after midnight on Christmas Eve. Long story short, our Christmas was stolen by some neighbors, we were all awake at 2am because of it, so we decided to open our presents. Since then, we have kept with the tradition. Makes for a great Christmas morning when you can sleep in rather than wake up early for Santa Claus! Anyway, this year Shawn, Michelle, and Kiley were able to come. Troy was also home, so we had my whole family together. With Kiley and Leila, it's hard to keep them up to open presents at midnight, so the adults opened presents at midnight and separated the kids presents out as we went. Then we stacked them up for the morning when they were awake. It was awesome because it felt like Christmas twice. This way, we also get to focus on what the kids are getting and can also spend time appreciating what we got. If it's up to me, we will continue to do things this way. As our kids get older and understand Christmas more, they can start staying up until midnight, open the tree presents, then go to sleep and Santa can come. If I were still a kid, I think that would be awesome.
Kuso bought her these pajamas. They are "my first Christmas." He bought the size bigger than what she is wearing, but they weren't way huge on her. I was teasing him that he bought them because the Santa Clause is brown!
I included this picture because she is starting to get a little curl in the bottom of her hair, especially after she has slept and been sweaty. It's super cute.

I told Shawn that I would be posting this "old man" picture. Troy bought my dad a Snuggie as a joke. Kind of. My dad is always wrapped up in a blanket like an old man, so it will actually probably be very useful. Anyway, Shawn and his Southern California blood was cold, so he started using it as it was the closest blanket at the time.

THEN, they decided to share. Notice the shared mug of hot chocolate as well....
We were a TIRED bunch of people. That's Kiley's baby Elmo sleeping with Uncle Gus. Cute.Yes, my neck hurt.Kiley had an ELMO Christmas. Tickle-me-Elmo, Baby Elmo, Elmo Books, Elmo Movies. She LOVED it. I had Tickle-Me-Elmo, Elmo sings the ABC's, and Elmo sings the Sesame Street Theme when I was in high school. She found those in addition to what she got for Christmas. She was in heaven. This is the Elmo family. Tickle-Me old and Tickle-Me new with Baby Elmo.Grandpa and his girls.
Christmas was awesome. It was fun to have both of my brothers, Shawn's family, and my parents all home at the same time. That hasn't happened for well over a year...closer to 2 or 3 since we were ALL together at my parents house.
It's always fun to get presents and try and surprise those that you love, but it's more important to spend the season with people you love and care about. Nothing could be a better gift than spending time with those you love.

Tummy Time Photo Shoot

The more time Leila spends on her tummy, the more she likes it.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Kuso!

Yesterday was Kuso's 30th Birthday! He celebrated the day by going to work while Leila and I went to church. After he got off, we went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. He opened a few presents. We just spent the night together as our own little family.

This is the conversation we had with the waiter after he found out it was Kuso's birthday...
Him: When is her birthday?
Me: September 14th.
Him she is over a year now!
Me: No. She just turned 3 months last week.
Him: Oh. It must be the hair that threw me off.

Yes, it's true that Leila looks older than she is. And yes, it's probably all that hair, but seriously? Over a year old? Too funny.

Friday, December 18, 2009

She's Rollin'

Last night Leila rolled over for the first time! I had just given her a bath and finished dressing her in her pajamas. We were playing on the floor and I put her on her stomach. She got her arms and legs wiggling and soon enough she had rolled onto her back. I think it surprised her, but when she saw how excited I was, she was quite proud of herself. I put her back on her stomach hoping I would be able to get it on video for Kuso to see since he was out of town working. I guess the one roll wore her out. She laid there for a few minutes and I eventually just put her back on her back. I called Kuso and told him what she had done. He was excited too.

I called my mom to let her know. She was excited, but kind of sad. She hates to see her getting so big so fast. I had to make sure she knew since she watches her in the afternoons, I didn't want her to walk away from her while she is on the couch and have her roll off.

I know this is the beginning of a LOT more work, but it's also exciting to see her progress.

Monday, December 14, 2009

3 Months Old

Leila is 3 months old today! Here are some pictures of the last month or so. They are in reverse order from the most recent to the oldest.

At 3 months old, she sleeps all night, every night. Mostly. Usually a minimum of 7 hours...sometimes as long as 10 hours! She loves her hands and her mouth and any combination of the two. Just this week she has started playing with toys a little. Reaching for them and smiling at them. Last night she full on laughed. Not her little chuckle she has been doing for a while, but a full fledged giggle. I'm pretty sure it was THE CUTEST THING EVER! I will never get tired of hearing that!

She is starting to respond to sounds. She knows her mommy and daddy and gets super excited to see them. And her grandparents. And anyone else that gives her attention. She still loves attention. She often acts bored, like she knows there is more to do, but can't quite do it on her own. She is still full of smiles.

I started back to work, so she has been going to the sitters...aka La. She is Kuso's cousin. She has adopted Leila as her own. When she doesn't babysit for a few days, she texts me to see how her girl is doing. My mom picks her up in the afternoon. Between La's, my mom's, and our house, she gets non-stop love and attention.

Kuso is getting more comfortable being alone with her. He was out of town for most of the first two months of her life so he was unfamiliar with the differences between her cries. He was unsure of her routine. It didn't take long for him to figure it out though. When he is off work, he stays with her.

At 3 months she is well into the 3-6 month size, and already starting to outgrow some of them. Sad. Everyone says it, but they grow up too fast!

Enjoy this months pictures.... Three months exactly...playing with of her favorite things to do.
Tummy Time...sometimes not a fan, but getting better at it!
Me and My Baby Girl
I love her little profile. And the shadow on the wall was pretty cool too.
Little Bug and her Daddy
Leila and Grandma Neener. In her Christmas dress to take her 3 month picture. I'll post about that when I get her pictures back. She is the cutest Christmas doll I've ever seen.
Leaning on her arm, watching football with dad. Already knows how to relax and get comfy.
So stinkin cute.
Laughing at daddy
What you lookin' at sucka?
Hangin' out on the floor
Check out those tootsie roll arms!
So precious. What would we do without our bug?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

2 Month Check-Up

Monday November 30, 2009, Leila went in for her 2 month well-child check-up. She was actually 11 weeks to the day, so a little older than 2 months. She was weighed and measured.
Head: 40 cm - 52%
Height: 24 inches - 54%
Weight: 12 pounds 6 ounces - 75%
She also had her first group of shots. This first visit, they have 3 shots and an oral medication. She is a champion. Leila swallowed ALL of the medicine. The nurse said most kids spit at least a little bit out. The nurse got the first two shots in quickly, but then there was a problem with the syringe on the third shot. So she had to get get a new one. After the shots, Leila screamed. It was not too long before we got her calmed down...just in time for the nurse to come back with the third shot. Again, screaming. But she was happy and calm by the time we walked out of the doctors office.

We did not go straight home, and did not have Tylenol with us. She ate and slept. Then while we were out to dinner, she woke up and screamed...and screamed...and screamed...ate a little...and screamed. We left the restaurant and headed home. She screamed until I got on the freeway, then she was sleeping. We got home and she screamed....and screamed....well, you get the idea. We got the Tylenol in her as soon as we got home. About an hour later, she was finally calm and we were able to get her to bed. We were prepared for a night of restlessness and trying to soothe our daughter. But, nope. She went to sleep about 9:15 and slept until 8:15 the following morning!

The next morning you would have never known she was so miserable the night before. We continued to give her the Tylenol in the morning and mid-day. We gave her half a dose in the afternoon and that's the last she had. Wednesday she was a little more fussy than normal and her diapers are still a little different than normal, so I'm guessing she still isn't back to top notch. But overall, she did well with her shots.

Kuso was able to go to the doctor with us this time and meet Dr. Brasher. We were just laughing during the appointment because the doctor is so silly. I'm glad that I found a doctor that you can tell truly loves what he does.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

2 Months

Our little Leila is two months old today. Kuso has been out of town working for the majority of the past month. He hasn't seen her at all in the past two weeks. I told him he is coming home to a completely different child.
We received a month by month baby book for one of the showers. This is what I've decided to include for the two month entry.
**At two months old, you have Smiles for Miles. You have developed the most addictive smile. You smile in the morning when we come to get you out of bed. You smile at night when we rock you to sleep. You smile during the middle-of-the-night feedings. You smile in the bathtub. You smile when you get your clothes taken off. You smile after you eat. You smile when anyone shows you attention.
**You love to be center of attention and holler out
when you think you are being ignored.
**You weigh approximately 12 pounds 2 ounces. We will get an accurate record of weight and height at your two month check up.
**You have found your hands and they frequently find your mouth.
**We often wonder if you will be left handed.
**You have also found your voice and love to squeal.
You are starting to giggle.
**You love to be held sitting up.
**You celebrated your first Halloween. Since you were born, we have called you Leila Bug because it sounds like Lady Bug. So, that’s what you were. A cute little Lady Bug.
**You have started to “fake cry” when we stop feeding you to burp you. It starts with a whine, then turns into a full fledged scream until we stop and feed you again. Then it’s back to all smiles.
**Your cousin Kiley has learned to say “Baby Leila.” It sounds more like “Baby Yayyuh” for now.

Friday, November 13, 2009

American Samoa Quarter

You may or may not know, but they made an American Samoa quarter in addition to the state quarters that have come out over the past several years. I had no idea until a guy from my ward brought one to me when we went ice skating with the youth a couple nights ago. I thought it was kind of cool.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Be More Cute

These first two pictures were from last night when I was putting her to bed. She is such a happy baby most of the time. She tries her hardest to pull you in to playing with her rather than putting her to sleep. She smiles and goos. It takes all the will power to not be tricked into playing with her.

One of my favorite things in the world is to watch her big round eyes go from so bright to heavy. She starts to fall off the vine. Then she starts to smile while her eyes are closed as if she is the most content person in the world. Then you can see her face totally relaxed. That's when you know she is gone to dreamland.

The following pictures were from our photo shoot this morning after she woke up and ate. Again, all smiles. This is one of my other favorite things. She acts like she has the best life ever and nothing in the world will ever go wrong. She gets more and more smiley each day. Her sounds are more active and it is SO fun to play with her.
How can you not love this little thing?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

One Month Picture

This is my first attempt at scanning, so don't sweat the small picture. Anyway, Walmart always has their sale of 30 pictures for $7.99. I figured, what the heck...let's check into it. The lady I talked to when I scheduled the appointment was quite nice and seemed to know what she was doing. So I scheduled an appointment for the actual day of one month. We showed up to the appointment, and the lady working was an idiot. She sat and told us all about her ex-husbands (yes, plural) and her kids and how she ended up in Utah and complaining about her kids school, etc. One could sum it up by saying she is just not professional acting. While we were there, she made two personal phone calls and took two personal calls. Overall, she sucked.

I scheduled the appointment for October 14th @ 1:30pm. Leila is usually awake at that time. Not that day. And not recently. Guess she changed her sleep pattern. When we went to take the pictures, she was asleep. DEAD asleep. There wasn't anything we could do to wake her up. We undressed her. We wiggled her. We laid her down. We sat her up. Nothing would wake her up. So we took a few cute sleeping pictures. Well, they would have been cute if the lady knew what the crap she was doing. The only pictures that half way turned out were things that my mom or I suggested. Anyway, long story short, proceed with caution before going to Walmart for pictures. Some people know what they are doing, other's do not.

This picture we got by sitting her in her car seat so she could actually lean against something, put her binky in her mouth long enough to soothe her, count to 3, take it out and snap the picture at the same time. It turned out pretty cute, but I can only imagine what kind of cute shots we could have got with a cooperative little girl and someone who actually knows how to take pictures of baby's.

Oh and learn right?

Latest Pics

Since I've been a little under the weather, we haven't taken many pictures the past few weeks. Here are a few. She loves her baths. These two were taken on two different days, but, I wish I could take a good picture during her bath. She usually has a cute little grin.

You can't see the picture very good, but we were looking at how long her hair is getting.
This was actually taken on her one month day.
Leila and daddyLeila in her big girl clothes. Leila is now way out of her newborn clothes. She has some VERY cute outfits in the 0-3 months size. Some of them make her look very old. I'll be taking pictures of her "big girl" outfits over the next few weeks.
She is getting so fun. She has started to smile and goo. Sometimes, she even sounds like she is laughing. She squeals and wiggles. I can only imagine how much more fun it will get as she continues to grow.