I scheduled the appointment for October 14th @ 1:30pm. Leila is usually awake at that time. Not that day. And not recently. Guess she changed her sleep pattern. When we went to take the pictures, she was asleep. DEAD asleep. There wasn't anything we could do to wake her up. We undressed her. We wiggled her. We laid her down. We sat her up. Nothing would wake her up. So we took a few cute sleeping pictures. Well, they would have been cute if the lady knew what the crap she was doing. The only pictures that half way turned out were things that my mom or I suggested. Anyway, long story short, proceed with caution before going to Walmart for pictures. Some people know what they are doing, other's do not.
This picture we got by sitting her in her car seat so she could actually lean against something, put her binky in her mouth long enough to soothe her, count to 3, take it out and snap the picture at the same time. It turned out pretty cute, but I can only imagine what kind of cute shots we could have got with a cooperative little girl and someone who actually knows how to take pictures of baby's.
Oh well...live and learn right?
OK, I love the picture. I took it to work and people at my work are in LOVE with her.
She is getting so big and so cute!!! Miss you guys!
Oh my heck! She is so cute! I love her!
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