Monday, December 14, 2009

3 Months Old

Leila is 3 months old today! Here are some pictures of the last month or so. They are in reverse order from the most recent to the oldest.

At 3 months old, she sleeps all night, every night. Mostly. Usually a minimum of 7 hours...sometimes as long as 10 hours! She loves her hands and her mouth and any combination of the two. Just this week she has started playing with toys a little. Reaching for them and smiling at them. Last night she full on laughed. Not her little chuckle she has been doing for a while, but a full fledged giggle. I'm pretty sure it was THE CUTEST THING EVER! I will never get tired of hearing that!

She is starting to respond to sounds. She knows her mommy and daddy and gets super excited to see them. And her grandparents. And anyone else that gives her attention. She still loves attention. She often acts bored, like she knows there is more to do, but can't quite do it on her own. She is still full of smiles.

I started back to work, so she has been going to the sitters...aka La. She is Kuso's cousin. She has adopted Leila as her own. When she doesn't babysit for a few days, she texts me to see how her girl is doing. My mom picks her up in the afternoon. Between La's, my mom's, and our house, she gets non-stop love and attention.

Kuso is getting more comfortable being alone with her. He was out of town for most of the first two months of her life so he was unfamiliar with the differences between her cries. He was unsure of her routine. It didn't take long for him to figure it out though. When he is off work, he stays with her.

At 3 months she is well into the 3-6 month size, and already starting to outgrow some of them. Sad. Everyone says it, but they grow up too fast!

Enjoy this months pictures.... Three months exactly...playing with of her favorite things to do.
Tummy Time...sometimes not a fan, but getting better at it!
Me and My Baby Girl
I love her little profile. And the shadow on the wall was pretty cool too.
Little Bug and her Daddy
Leila and Grandma Neener. In her Christmas dress to take her 3 month picture. I'll post about that when I get her pictures back. She is the cutest Christmas doll I've ever seen.
Leaning on her arm, watching football with dad. Already knows how to relax and get comfy.
So stinkin cute.
Laughing at daddy
What you lookin' at sucka?
Hangin' out on the floor
Check out those tootsie roll arms!
So precious. What would we do without our bug?


Jen said...

3 months old is such a FUN age. She is very stinkin cute!

Grandma Neener said...

I can't believe that she is 3 mos already. She is a cutie and I love having her around.

charese said...

She is so adorable! Kamden absolutley hates his stomach. He last abot 1 minute and starts screaming. they do grow so fast.