Leila is 2 1/2 now. According to my dad, when girls are 2 1/2 and boys are 3, they are half of their adult height. I may have said that when she was two, but I've since been corrected. If that holds true (which it did with Troy so it has GOT to be true) Leila will grow to be 6' tall! She is currently 36" and 36 pounds. She wears mostly 3T in pants and shirts, none of which are too big. Most of her shirts are getting too short, so we've started buying 4T in shirts and shorts.
Leila is HILARIOUS! She says some really funny stuff. Right now she is "NOT (fill in whatever you just called her.) Ex: Leila, you are cute. I NOT CUTE. Troy started calling her Bugglesquirt. She recently started calling herself Bugglesquirt. She is SO strong and SO daring. My dad took her to the park and she was jumping off of platforms as high as the kitchen counter top and one a bit higher all by herself to the wood chips below. She would also drop from the monkey bar things all by herself. She LOVES to laugh and has the stinkin cutest laugh ever. She pulls some really mean looking faces when people try to be cute to her. She has the most exaggerated facial expressions of any little kid I've ever seen. She is not the best at sharing, but she is getting better. She makes pretend calls on the phone and brings the phone to you to talk to them. She usually calls Kiley, Auntie, Shawnt (that's the way she pronounces it) or daddy. Daddy is never at work, he is always "playing ball." She has started bumping a bouncy playground ball like a volleyball. She will repeat this as long as someone will play with her. She is pretty coordinated. She has learned that if she doesn't want to go to bed yet, she just has to say "I wanna snuggle mom" and I let her. (she is only this young and cute for not very long - I'll take advantage while I can.) She also knows that if she wants something (like a sippy) she has to say Please, then give us a big hug and a kiss. (again, I'll take it while I can get it.)
I could go on and on about some of her funny stuff she says and does, but I won't. I'll try to be better about posting more of her funny sayings so I don't forget how dang cute she was at this stage!

Leila is HILARIOUS! She says some really funny stuff. Right now she is "NOT (fill in whatever you just called her.) Ex: Leila, you are cute. I NOT CUTE. Troy started calling her Bugglesquirt. She recently started calling herself Bugglesquirt. She is SO strong and SO daring. My dad took her to the park and she was jumping off of platforms as high as the kitchen counter top and one a bit higher all by herself to the wood chips below. She would also drop from the monkey bar things all by herself. She LOVES to laugh and has the stinkin cutest laugh ever. She pulls some really mean looking faces when people try to be cute to her. She has the most exaggerated facial expressions of any little kid I've ever seen. She is not the best at sharing, but she is getting better. She makes pretend calls on the phone and brings the phone to you to talk to them. She usually calls Kiley, Auntie, Shawnt (that's the way she pronounces it) or daddy. Daddy is never at work, he is always "playing ball." She has started bumping a bouncy playground ball like a volleyball. She will repeat this as long as someone will play with her. She is pretty coordinated. She has learned that if she doesn't want to go to bed yet, she just has to say "I wanna snuggle mom" and I let her. (she is only this young and cute for not very long - I'll take advantage while I can.) She also knows that if she wants something (like a sippy) she has to say Please, then give us a big hug and a kiss. (again, I'll take it while I can get it.)
I could go on and on about some of her funny stuff she says and does, but I won't. I'll try to be better about posting more of her funny sayings so I don't forget how dang cute she was at this stage!

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