Tuesday, November 3, 2009

They're Outta Here!

October 21st I had my tonsils and adenoids removed. Believe it or not, it was an optional surgery. I went to the doctor back in March with some throat issues. He could tell that I regularly get sore throats just by looking at my tonsils. He called them "cryptic and engorged" and "should have been taken out years ago....I can't believe no other doctor has taken them out." Because I was pregnant, he told me to come back after I deliver and we would take another look. So I did. He said it wasn't necessary, but I would probably be very happy in the long run. So, I did it....Little did I know how horrible it really would be.

We have all heard that getting tonsils removed at an older age is MUCH harder than when we are younger. I have a pretty high pain tolerance and figured I could handle it. I had them out on a Wednesday. I figured by the following Monday I would be good to go. No. That was NOT the case. It's now almost 2 full weeks later, and I'm still feeling the pain. Although I can eat now, it's not without pain.

Hopefully, I really will be grateful in the long run when I don't get sore throats all winter long, but for now, it sucks.

Luckily for me, I have amazing parents who are also great nurses...at least my mom is anyway. Kuso has been out of town working, so I've been staying most nights with my parents. My mom got up with Leila every night for over a week so I could just rest. I would hate to see where I would be in the recovery without their help taking care of Leila, myself, and making sure I had something to eat.

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