Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Christmas Eve was spent at my parents house. We had dinner and played games all evening. We open presents at midnight. The tradition started in 1995 when our "Santa Claus" presents were stolen. We were all awake at 2:00 am anyway, so we just stayed up and opened what presents we had under our tree. So now, every year, we play games and have snacks, then at midnight, we open the presents, then continue games and snacks until we want to go to sleep. This is the BEST tradition because then you can sleep in on Christmas Day.

Christmas Day we went to Kuso's brothers house for breakfast around 11. The snow was so HORRIBLE that Nati got his truck stuck in the snow in a parking lot. Kuso and Nati tried digging is out, rocking it, pushing it, all without success. The truck ended up staying in the parking lot.

After breakfast, we went back to my parents house and just hung out all day. Kuso spent some time playing volleyball with his friends and family and the church. The weather was so bad, we ended up staying the night at my parents. We spent the whole next day just lounging around watching re-runs of U of U football games.

This season was really fun because this was Kuso's second Christmas in the states. Last year, the present exchanging was a little overwhelming for him, but this year, he totally had the spirit and spent several phone calls with my mom collaberating what they were each going to buy. We all got a lot of nice stuff. I love the holiday season and look forward to it each year.

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