September 14, 2010 our beautiful daughter turned one. She went in for her one year check up on the 20th. At that time she was 25 pounds 13 ounces and 30 inches tall. That is about 90% in weight and 70% in height. Dr. Brasher is not too concerned with these ratios, but if they don't balance out in the next few years, he might be a little more concerned. :) He also noticed that her legs bow out, so she is scheduled to see an orthopedic doctor in October.
At one year old, Leila has been walking quite steadily for about a month now. She is starting to walk backwards on occasion and thinks it's really funny. She is wearing size 18 months pajamas and 24 month clothes (in most things.) She wears a size 5 shoe. She has learned to click her tongue and it is LOUD. She is starting to get more snugly and will just cuddle for a few seconds at a time. She is very social. She will walk up to anyone, anywhere (even at the court house) and reach up to sit on their lap. She goes to complete strangers (to her, we know them) and gives them hugs.
She is so silly and playful. She LOVES to play chase, especially with her uncle Troy or daddy. She is good to entertain herself just wandering the house playing with toys. She is much happier if she is outside. She is kind of a picky eater. She loves to be around kids. I took her to change her diaper at church one day and saw that the nursery kids were just playing with toys, so I took her in to play for a minute since she was so restless sitting in class with me. From that day on, she has been going to nursery (which is usually for kids 18+ months.) She fits right in and plays.
She still does not sleep through the night regularly. In fact, most nights, she ends up in bed with us at some point. Something I swore I would never do, but sometimes, a little bit of sleep and little bit of snuggle time with your baby is worth it. She loves to play with babies and mother's them around. She loves to play with balls. She has the CUTEST little laugh and is so light hearted and easy going. Leila is BY FAR one of the wiggliest kids anyone has seen. Complete strangers commonly comment about how beautiful/adorable/gorgeous/etc. she is, how chubby she is, how she looks older than she is, and how wiggly she is.
Luckily we had already had her birthday party the weekend before because Kuso was called to work out of town. So for her birthday celebration it was just Leila, mom, grandma and grandpa. She had her very on "smash cake" and put some good work in on it. She got more presents and played all night. Because daddy was out of town, it encouraged me to take lots of pictures. So, enjoy.

The evening started out with dinner. Leila had spaghettio's...or maybe the spaghettio's had her. While my parents and I were eating, she decided she wanted my corn on the cob. I left a little row for her and she ate it right off the cob!

Then came presents. Kuso and I gave her this lady bug tent to use as a toy box.
She had opened the other presents at her party. 

Shawn, Michelle, and Kiley gave her this giraffe. At first, she kept trying to sit on it like a chair. With a little bit of help from grandpa, she figured it out. She can still only go backwards for now, but she likes to sit on it and bounce. This giraffe also came with a mini giraffe pull along that can hook to the back of this, or Leila can pull it around behind her which is something she likes to do.

She will love this toy in the future. You can spin yourself around while the music plays. She thought it was fun with just me twisting her around so when she can do it alone....watch out!

Leila has been such a special blessing in our lives. She is a complete source of entertainment. She inspires me to be a better person so I can set an example to her of what a woman/mom/wife needs to be.
We never knew there could be a love like this.
Thank you for letting us be your parents.
We love you.
Oh Leila...Auntie Loves you too!! I want to eat that cake again!!!
She is so adorable!
So cute!!
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