Sunday September 12 we took Leila to the State Fair. Last year we walked around the fair about three days before she was born trying to put me into labor. This year, Leila got to experience the sites and sounds of the fair.

Leila loves rabbits. Our neighbors have a pet rabbit and she thinks it is really funny to go watch it hop in its cage. So needless to say, she loved the rabbit exhibit. It has been decided that IF (and that's a big IF) we ever decide to have a pet, it will be a rabbit. And after being at the fair, IF we get a rabbit, it will be a Holland Lop. Too cute.

If you notice, Leila now has a new shirt on and no shorts.
We were about to leave when we saw that there was going to be a sea lion show. So we decided to wait and watch it. I went to get a drink and when I came back, Kuso was changing her diaper. I thought he was being such a good dad...well, there is more to it than that.
While waiting, he decided to put her up on his shoulders like he had previously in the day so she could see better. As he put his hand up on her back for support, he felt squishiness. yuck. Yep. It was poop....coming up out of her shorts up her back. SO, like the good dad he is, he changed her right then and there, on the grass, and didn't wait for me to get back to do it for him.
Luckily, we had bought this Bob Marley shirt for her earlier. She has outgrown all her other ones and with her dad being the fanatic fan that he is, our kids will always have Bob Marley gear.
We had bought it a size big hoping she would wear it for a while...
it's actually not that big and has worn it since this episode.

This is a walking, talking robot. Leila just stared at it. Not scared, just in awe.
For some reason, I LOVE going to the State Fair. Especially when the weather is nice like it was that day. It's definitely a drain to our bank accounts, but it's fun,
and it's one of the things that we like to do as a family.