Leila participated in her first Easter Egg Hunt. She obviously didn't undestand what was going on, but my Aunt Debbie made enough eggs for all the little kids to be involved. I tried to let her pick up her own eggs, but she wasn't very interested in it. 
I put her on the grass to take a picture with her eggs, and she freaked out! She did NOT like the grass, plus, she was tired. But I also had to include this picture to show of her stunning rolls on her arms! I can't wait for summer to show those puppies off all the time!
Leila made her first dollar! I need to find a bank to keep in her room to putall this little stuff in. At some point, she can get into her bank. I'm sure it will add up over time!
She loved to play with her Easter basket(s). Yes, she had two. Mostly, she just loved to tip them over and play with the eggs. I had a cute picture of her playing with her toys with the basket on her head but I just deleted it! Dang It!

So, if you read my blog, you have heard about Rusti. She is my cousin Ashley's daughter who is 10 days older than Leila. Don't worry, Leila has her by about 3 pounds too! Anyway, we put them on the floor together to see what they would do. THIS was the result! SO funny! They just wrestled for a bit, then I think Rusti realized how heavy Leila is and so we separated them!

Both of these girls love to hand upside down!
Sorry Leila, but I had to throw this picture in to show off your new Easter outfit (but really her arms and legs. Those things are massive!)