My cousin Ashley had a baby girl just 10 days before Leila. They are now 5 months old and are just finally having the chance to meet each other. Friday February 12th my parents and I were on the way to California to visit my brothers. Ashley was at work and she gets to take Rusti in the morning with her for a few hours. We stopped in so the little ones could meet. They were so funny. It was pretty much the first time for both of them to be around other kids their age. Leila sees other babies at church, but we don't really bring them together to play. As soon as we put Leila and Rusti face to face, they both reached out to touch the other one.
If Leila cried, Rusti cried. Rusti's cry is so much QUIETER than Leila's! Overall, Leila is a little bigger. They are both about the same height, but everything else, Leila is bigger. And heavier. And rolly-polly-ier. Rusti has some pretty chubby cheeks though!

It will be so fun to have these two little ones so close in age when we get together with my mom's side of the family for Easter and camp outs and any other time that we all get together.